The Home Office v. The Police - more lies ?

You may recall the media buzz around a plot to capture and behead a muslim British soldier. Funny that the night before the raid on the plotters, several reporters travelled up to report on the event.
Now, as much as it’s nice to know about these things via the press, there’s always the distinct possibility that at the trial, if too much information gets out they can mount a successful defence on the basis of being unable to receive a fair trial.
Reporters doing their homework and prejudicing a fair hearing is one thing, government sanctioned leaks another – especially when there’s the possibility it could lead to guilty defendants having their case dismissed.
In this case it turns out the tip-offs and various other information leaks (lurid details of the plot etc.) came from the Police or/and the Home Office.
Shadow Attorney General Dominic Grieve has put down questions to the Home Secretary asking him to confirm there was no leak from the Home Office. They remained unanswered for six weeks until this denial was issued – a denial which directly conflicts with the Guardian's account of events.
Yesterday in the Commons Teflon Tony rejected calls for an enquiry, but If the Guardian names it’s source – claimed to be a ministerial aide… well, we’re taking bets...
Hat-tip to Iain Dale
The question is - what's worse ? A leak from the Police or the Home Office ? I'd suggest both ought to be ashamed of themselves but the Police should really know better.
ReplyDeleteA police leak generally means a bent copper after a few quid. Home Office leak means Gov care more about spin than the possibility of jeopardising a trial - infinitely worse than a bent copper trying to earn a bit on the side by tipping off the press.
ReplyDeleteTastes all the better for knowing that at the moment, two civil servants are in front of a judge for leaking a the transcript of a conversation between Bush and Blair